
    The Game Awards 2024: 老外预测至少有两作游戏预告片公布(图)

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:清风与鹿

    The Game Awards 2024, a gaming awards ceremony, is scheduled to take place on December 13th and will announce the winners of the annual game as well as multiple new game trailers. The IT Home will provide detailed reports at that time.

    Jason Schreier, a seasoned technology industry editor, stated in today's Kinda Funny Games Daily program that we will see at least two games that fans will exclaim "holy shit" during TGA.

    "I wouldn't be surprised if you saw one or two trailers for games that won't be released until 2026 or later," he added.

    Schreier also mentioned the release of "Wonder Woman" and "Star Wars: Eclipse" at TGA 2021. He claimed that when "Wonder Woman" was first revealed, there was nothing about it yet.

    Sony Interactive Entertainment has received the most nominations among gaming publishers with sixteen nods, followed by Square Enix and Microsoft each receiving twelve nods, and Sega receiving eleven nods.

    本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:The Game Awards 2024: 老外预测至少有两作游戏预告片公布(图)https://game.zol.com.cn/926/9268669.html

    game.zol.com.cn true https://game.zol.com.cn/926/9268669.html report 926 The Game Awards 2024, a gaming awards ceremony, is scheduled to take place on December 13th and will announce the winners of the annual game as well as multiple new game trailers. The IT Home will provide detailed reports at that time.Jason Schreier,...
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