
    Take-Two确认多个游戏项目被取消 5%员工被裁员

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:一便士的月亮

    Take-Two确认多个游戏项目被取消 5%员工被裁员

    Take-Two, the parent company of developers Rockstar and 2K, announced that it will lay off approximately 5% of its employees, affecting approximately 579 individuals. The company has also confirmed that multiple projects have been cancelled, but details regarding these cancellations have not been revealed.

    In order to address the situation where PC and console game revenues are growing at a slower rate, Take-Two stated that this decision will save the company approximately \$187 million annually. It is worth noting that in February this year, Strauss Zelnick, the CEO of Take-Two, mentioned plans for significant cost reductions across the entire business. However, it was specified at that time that these cost reductions would not involve layoffs but would primarily focus on optimizing marketing expenses.

    Note: This article has been translated from Chinese (简体中文).

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    game.zol.com.cn true https://game.zol.com.cn/866/8662403.html report 876 Take-Two, the parent company of developers Rockstar and 2K, announced that it will lay off approximately 5% of its employees, affecting approximately 579 individuals. The company has also confirmed that multiple projects have been cancelled, but deta...
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