

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:林有三


    Shaun Conde, the voice actor who portrayed Je'nedis "Ned" LaScoota in the recently released final fantasy 7: Core Crisis Reunion/Remake, has revealed that he has received several requests to lower his "seductive" voice. In an interview about the game's gameplay, Conde shared that behind the scenes, during two collaborations with voice director Kirk Thornton, he received several notes asking him to tone down his "seductive" sound, "They said my voice was too seductive, it sounded like I was flirting with you. We need to make it less provocative."

    In addition to Ned, Conde also provided English vocals for the character Toguro Nishimura in Square Enix's "Bravely Default II." He described the character as "playful and slightly flirtatious." This isn't the first time a voice actor has been asked to tone down their "seductive" qualities; in " Baldur's Gate III," actress Greta Thorne received similar requests from the game's voice director due to her portrayal of vampire Alhamdulillah Astarask.

    It should be noted that both actors were able to achieve recognition for their performances despite the feedback they received from their respective projects' development teams. Newbon won the Best Performance award at The Game Awards 2023 for his portrayal of Astarask despite comments about his "less seductive" voicing style while Thorne continues to enjoy widespread popularity as a voice actor due to her range and versatility in bringing life to complex characters on screen.


    game.zol.com.cn true https://game.zol.com.cn/861/8615810.html report 1482 Shaun Conde, the voice actor who portrayed Je'nedis "Ned" LaScoota in the recently released final fantasy 7: Core Crisis Reunion/Remake, has revealed that he has received several requests to lower his "seductive" voice. In an interview about the game...
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