
    《 palladium 》在线人数突破200万人

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:散落的星星沙

    《 palladium 》在线人数突破200万人

    Swen Vincke, the founder of the annual game "Baldur's Gate 3", has praised the recent game "Palladium" for its strong performance and popularity. Since its release on January 19th, the game has seen record-breaking simultaneous online players of over 2 million people, with an average of around 800 thousand players concurrently connected at any given time. These figures are truly astonishing, and there are no signs of any slowdown. However, Larian's monthly gaming time report shows that Baldur's Gate 3 still topped the charts in January while Palladium, which was released halfway through the month, only ranked second.

    After enjoying a moment of success, Vincke modestly stated that this achievement is only temporary and expressed confidence that Palladium will dominate this list next month.

    It should be noted that the article does not provide specific information about Palladium's gameplay or features beyond its high player count.

    本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:《 palladium 》在线人数突破200万人https://game.zol.com.cn/854/8546550.html

    game.zol.com.cn true https://game.zol.com.cn/854/8546550.html report 940 Swen Vincke, the founder of the annual game "Baldur's Gate 3", has praised the recent game "Palladium" for its strong performance and popularity. Since its release on January 19th, the game has seen record-breaking simultaneous online players of over...
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