Game Source Entertainment (GSE) recently announced that the physical Asian version of "The Town of Sand and Fog" for PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch, originally scheduled to be released on November 23rd, will now be released on December 6th. The company stated that they needed more time to fine-tune their systems and optimize them for maximum performance.
In a official statement,the company expressed its gratitude for the enthusiastic support from players and thanked everyone for their patience in waiting for the physical release of the game. They explained that the original release date of November 23rd was adjusted due to the need for further system adjustments and optimization in order to provide players with an even better gaming experience.
"We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused," GSE said in conclusion. "We are grateful for your understanding and support."
"The Town of Sand and Fog" was released on November 2nd as a early access game, initially launching on platforms including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC (Steam Epic GOG).