1 进击!要塞!
《进击!要塞!》是一款策略类游戏,由EarthWork Games开发。玩家需要管理一个要塞,通过建造和发展科技来制定战术和打法。游戏摒弃了传统即时战略游戏中对单位移动的操作,简化了单位控制,并注重远程射击操作。这是一款创新性和挑战性极高的即时战略游戏。
2 音乐战机2
《音乐战机2》是一款由Dylan Fitterer制作的音乐类游戏。游戏画面酷炫,支持自定义音乐,玩家可以高空跳跃并展示绝技获取高分。游戏提供多种模式供玩家选择,深受喜爱。
3 机场CEO
4 尼布甲尼撒
5 Scourge Of War - Remastered
Welcome to Scourge of War. We hope you are ready for a fight. This game places you in command of the units of armies and allows you to refight the many historical bloody clashes during the age of regimental base warfare. This is a type of wargame that we call real time command simulation. Real time command simulation combat begins with Sid—as in Sid Meier, who released the now legendary wargame Sid Meier’s Gettysburg (SMG) in 1997. This game established a new genre, freeing players from the confines of the earlier wargame conventions of the hex grid and dice roll. It placed the units on a 3D battlefield and lets the player/commander move units around. There were no turns—combat happened in real time and could be interrupted only by putting the entire game on pause. It also included a multi-player (MP) feature that is still in use today. Then came Sid Meier’s Antietam in 1998, an evolutionary release that introduced players to the deceptively rolling terrain outside of Sharpsburg and included other battles in the Antietam Campaign at South Mountain and Crampton’s Gap. The next step in the evolution of the genre was Breakaway Games’ transfer of the game engine to the Napoleonic Wars with the release of Waterloo: Napoleon’s Last Battle, in 2001. The final chapter for the Sid Meier engine was Austerlitz: Napoleon’s Greatest Victory, released in 2002. A new chapter in black powder era combat simulation opened in 2005 with the release of Civil War: Bull Run by Mad Minute Games. This game is built on the traditions of the Sid Meier games but was an entirely new generation. It was noted for its highly capable Artificial Intelligence (AI) opponent and careful attention to historical detail. The second and final game from this very small company was Take Command: 2nd Manassas, appearing in 2006. This release also included the battles of Cedar Mountain and Chantilly, the bookends of the campaign. Both games received multiple awards re?ecting the historical accuracy and intensity of the real time command experience.
6 太阳帝国的原罪三合一
7 破门而入战术小队
《破门而入:战术小队》是一款横版射击游戏,由PixelShard与KillHouse Games联合开发。玩家可以选择三种可玩角色,包括突击队员、爆破手和干员,每个角色都有不同的定位和装备。游戏的主题是救人质和击杀恐怖分子,玩家需要在复杂的房屋地图中进行踹门等行动。此外,游戏还支持联机多人合作模式,与好友一起挑战困难任务非常有趣。
8 City Block Builder
City Block Builder是一款大亨管理风格游戏,玩家可以在1950年代的洛杉矶建立自己的商业帝国。游戏提供了丰富的商业项目,包括电影院、爵士俱乐部和餐厅等,玩家需要管理这些企业并获取利润。游戏画面精美,操作简单易上手。通过合理经营和决策,玩家可以逐步扩大自己的商业版图,并获得更高的成就。同时,游戏还提供了多种挑战模式和多人合作模式,增加了游戏的可玩性。总体来说,City Block Builder是一款非常有趣且富有挑战性的商业管理游戏。
9 纯粹农场2018
10 征服世界
本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:可模组化游戏哪些好玩 最热可模组化游戏精选https://game.zol.com.cn/928/9281490.html