
    曝Relic Entertainment遣散41人团队 业界寒冬来了?

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:两三杯可乐

    曝Relic Entertainment遣散41人团队 业界寒冬来了?

    Relic Entertainment, a video game developer that separated from Sega Europe a week ago, has announced the layoff of some employees. External developers have revealed that 41 employees have been let go.

    In an official statement, the studio attributed the layoff to an "unstable industry," stating that it "in no way reflects any lack of knowledge, enthusiasm or professionalism" of the affected employees.

    Similar layoffs occurred in the gaming industry following the sale of Gearbox to Take-Two Interactive after Sega Europe's acquisition.

    At least some of these layoffs affected the company's communications team. Jamie Chapman, senior communications manager, expressed gratitude for having spent nine years at Relic with people he enjoyed working with.

    Relic has assured those affected by the layoffs that they will work closely with them to provide severance packages, extended benefits, and assistance in finding new jobs.

    The statement reads: "We are sorry to see those who we are saying goodbye to reach this point. We appreciate everything you have contributed to our work and projects, and wish you all the best for your future endeavors."

    Last week saw Sega Europe lay off 240 employees due to the separation from Relic which also impacted The Creative Assembly, a British developer of Total War series.

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    game.zol.com.cn true https://game.zol.com.cn/864/8642474.html report 1306 Relic Entertainment, a video game developer that separated from Sega Europe a week ago, has announced the layoff of some employees. External developers have revealed that 41 employees have been let go.In an official statement, the studio attributed t...
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