
    《地球之刀》跳票至2024年 重点更新公布及团队新成员加入

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:一便士的月亮

    《地球之刀》跳票至2024年 重点更新公布及团队新成员加入

    Extremely OK Games, the renowned studio behind the popular platformer "Azure," have announced that their upcoming pixel art Metroidvania game "Earthblade" has been postponed to after 2024. This was revealed in a March update posted on their official website.

    Despite the delay, Maddy Thorson, lead developer at Extremely OK, stated that development for "Earthblade" is not stagnant and that Kyle Pulver has recently joined the team as a full-time programmer for the game. Pulver made an appearance as a hidden character in Thorson's previous title "TowerFall."

    Pulver described himself as "the savior" for the project and brings "a fresh perspective" to it. Thorson mentioned that she doesn't want her team to become too big but has been tackling workloads both professionally and personally. However, she shared some positive news by stating that she has recovered well from her gender affirmation surgery which she recently underwent successfully; henceforth they can work more efficiently on "Earthblade."

    本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:《地球之刀》跳票至2024年 重点更新公布及团队新成员加入https://game.zol.com.cn/863/8630688.html

    game.zol.com.cn true https://game.zol.com.cn/863/8630688.html report 1006 Extremely OK Games, the renowned studio behind the popular platformer "Azure," have announced that their upcoming pixel art Metroidvania game "Earthblade" has been postponed to after 2024. This was revealed in a March update posted on their official ...
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