译者:popmessiah 百度DotA2吧翻译组
Dark Seer 黑暗贤者
出生: An enemy destroyed cannot rise against you. 倒下的敌人是不会起来反抗你的 From the land behind the wall, I come.我来自墙后面的大陆。。。
移动时: Speed is the heart of battle.速度是战争的核心 A mind sharper than any blade.比刀刃还要犀利的意识 Damathryx guides me. 达玛瑞克斯在指引我(见黑暗贤者的背景故事:曾经,黑暗贤者是备受人民尊敬的将军,是神王达玛瑞克斯麾下英勇的保卫者)
攻击时: I need no weapon.我不需要武器(仔细想想这一句很精髓的) Your skull's roundness offends me. 你完满的脑形惹恼了我
释放复制之墙: Meet your own worst enemy. 去见你最讨厌的敌人吧 Face your enemy, face yourself.正视敌人,正视自己
升级时: Did my head just get pointier?我的脑袋变犀利了吗?(我的脑袋变尖了吗?)
杀死英雄时: Your life, much like your head, lacked a point. 你的生命,就像你的脑袋一样少点什么 A popintless life for a pointless head.如此无聊的生活才配的上这个无聊的脑袋
嘲讽英雄时候 Shot in the…dark. 暗地里射一枪 Tiny, I'll build a wall from your stones. 小小,我会用你的石头造一堵墙 Faceless, now lifeless. 没脸的虚空,现在也没命了 You're no peer of the seer. 你配不上一个贤者 Phantom Lancer/Axe/Viper/Shadow Shaman/Slithis, I've seen your end. 猴纸/斧王/蝮蛇/小Y/小娜迦,我看到你的死期了
复活时: I know my enemy as I know myself. 我对敌人了如指掌 In battle, avoid what is sharp. Puncture what is soft.在战斗中,避其锋芒,猛戳要害→_→
罕见配音: If you enemy is equal, prepare for him. If greater, elude him. If weaker, crush him.如果敌人和你实力相当,就要做些准备;如果比你强大,就要巧妙躲开;如果比你弱小,灭了他。 We are not so different, my enemies and I. Accept my brain is much larger.我和我的敌人没什么不同,但是你要承认我大脑发达点 My enemies did the best they could with what they had, which wasn't much.我的敌人已经尽力反抗了,虽然没怎么反抗
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