官方译文: 复仇之魂 天怒一族这种生物,即使最满足最安心的时候脾气也很暴躁,他们天生就会为了最微不足道的侮辱寻求复仇。然而复仇本来就是复仇之魂的本质所在。曾经作为一个自傲而残暴的天怒之子,仙德尔莎是苍白之巢的第一继承人,直到一个姐妹背叛了她,夺走了她的继承权。被暗杀者的陷阱困住以后,仙德尔莎以双翼为代价,逃出生天。用对于这一族最丢脸的方式:步行,颠簸逃离了。仙德尔莎明白天怒一族再也不会接受失去翅膀的她作为统治者。而且对于处于最高处的苍白之巢,没有能够飞翔的翅膀是无法接近的,她将无法碰到她的姐妹。不甘作为一个无法飞翔的废物苟活,她对于复仇的渴望超越了所有的俗世欲望,堕落的公主向女神丝奎奥克乞求:放弃了她残破的身体,化为了一种靠复仇驱动,能够对物质世界做出巨大破坏的不朽精神能量。她或许永远都不能飞翔了,但她的复仇将永远持续下去。 英文原文: Butcher In the Fields of Endless Carnage, far to the south of Quoidge, a corpulent figure works tirelessly through the night--dismembering, disembowelling, piling up the limbs and viscera of the fallen that the battlefield might be clear by dawn. In this cursed realm, nothing can decay or decompose; no corpse may ever return to the earth from which it sprang, no matter how deep you dig the grave. Flocked by carrion birds who need him to cut their meals into beak-sized chunks, Pudge the Butcher hones his skills with blades that grow sharper the longer he uses them. Swish, swish, thunk. Flesh falls from the bone; tendons and ligaments part like wet paper. And while he always had a taste for the butchery, over the ages, Pudge has developed a taste for its byproduct as well. Starting with a gobbet of muscle here, a sip of blood there...before long he was thrusting his jaws deep into the toughest of torsos, like a dog gnawing at rags. Even those who are beyond fearing the Reaper, fear the Butcher. 中关村在线《DOTA2》专区复仇之魂介绍:http://game.zol.com.cn/251/2513750.html |