The Wormhole - Bring Jon LeCraft the materials he seeks to avoid a swift death, and to get a cool new spell.
带来一个JON LECRAFT的原料,他找到了避免快速死亡的方法,而且会了一个很COOL的魔法
Right now, the quest require you to bring 4 x Delicate Arcanite Converter and 2 x Thorium Widget. Don't bother looking for Jon LeCraft on live servers, as far as I know he's still sitting next to the forge on the Designers Island. You will eventually get rewarded with the following spell
现在这个任务需要4个精密奥金转换器 2个瑟银零件.不要想去找到那个家伙在正式服务器里,他一直在一个设计师小岛上(貌似是机械的),我们最终会得到一个很爽的报酬.
Wormhole: Gadgetzan - Creates an wormhole that should get you and your party members to Gadgetzan. 10 sec cast, 4 Hours Cooldown.
虫洞: Gadgetzan 创造一个虫洞传送你和你的小队到Gadgetzan,10秒施法,4小时冷却..估计应该还有别的地方的传送门...终于不需要找法师开门了.