Ways To Optimize Dota 2--优化DOTA2的一些方法【翻泽组】
Games > View Games Library //打开游戏库
then right click Dota 2 > Properties //鼠标右击dota2,点属性
on the General tab click Set Launch Options //在"一般"标签里点"设置启动属性"
type this codes //敲入以下代码
-novid (disable the intro video, the bald guy with the valve) //关闭载入时的那个光头(PS:插阀门的那个)
-nod3d9ex (dota 2 will run on directx9 instead of 11) //让dota2运行在DX9上(PS:不知道DX是什么的问谷哥度娘,不建议开启)
-console (to enable console) //关闭控制面板
-windowed -w # -h # (if you want to play window mode, change the # with your desired resolution) //开启窗口模式(PS:w后面的#是宽度分辨率,h后面的#是高度,不要超过你屏幕的最大分辨率,不然悲剧了别赖我)
then add this if you want your window mode with no border..-noborder //再加入这个参数可以去除窗口模式的边界
ex. -windowed -w xxx -h xxx -noborder //这行是范例
-noforecemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd (lessen the acceleration of your mouse in game) //降低游戏中鼠标的加速...不知何意,有兴趣的同学可以试试
some console commands //一些控制台命令(不知道怎么开的问谷哥度娘)
net_graph 1 (displays network information, fps/ping/etc) //显示延时fps信息
"all these will somehow reduce lag"//这句是作者瞎掰不翻译了.
rate # (max bytes/sec the host can receive data)//主机能接收的最大数据字节 #是对性数值,下同(我不知道这是干嘛的)
cl_cmdrate # (max number of command packets sent to server per second)//每秒发送到服务器的命令包的最大值
cl_interp # (sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings)//设置交互插值(服务器最低值为界)
cl_interp_ratio # (sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate)//原作者注释和上面一条一样,但是我觉着这个是调速率的[待测]
cl_lagcompensation # (perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events)//设置服务器端对攻击延迟的修正
cl_smooth # (smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors)//平滑视野修正
cl_smoothtime # (smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds)//客户端视野延时修正
cl_updaterate # (number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server)//每秒钟从服务器接收的数据包数量
cl_forcepreload # (whether we should force preloading)//开关预先加载
fps_max # (frame rate limit)//设置fps最大值
r_deferred # (enable deferred rendering)//启用延时渲染
the # will depend on you..these are my settings//#数值取决于个人,下面是作者的设置参数
-novid -console -nod3d9ex
net_graph 1 or 0 (just turning it on to display the ping)
rate 80000
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_interp 0.01515
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.01
cl_updaterate 66
cl_forcepreload 1
fps_max 60
r_deferred 0