该背景故事汉化首发自游戏港口。 以下是由DOTA2官方汉化组负责汉化的背景故事。 以上两条转载必须注明。 中文译文: 裂魂人 裂魂人巴拉森来自元素领域,他高傲、强大、凶猛且精通元素之力,来到物质世界参与那些会影响到元素世界的事件。为此他准备了一个能派上用处的形态,既存在于我们的物质世界,又存在于物质世界之外。他的物理形态来自于我们的物质世界,又像牛又像人,有蹄和手,这个外表象征着他的力量、速度与狡猾。他戴着的鼻环则暗示了他侍奉于一位藏在幕后的主人,而这个世界对他来说不过是元素世界的影子。
英文原文: Spiritbreaker Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. To that end, he assembled a form that would serve him well, both in our world and out of it. His physical form borrows from the strengths of this world, blending features both bovine and simian--horns, hooves and hands--as outward emblems of his inner qualities of strength, speed and cunning. He wears a ring in his nose, as a reminder that he serves a hidden master, and that this world in which he works is but a shadow of the real one.
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